Why consulting?


What if you suspect ADHD for your child or yourself?

Act consequently before diagnosis

Everybody wins when you take good care of yourself and your close ones, stimulate the attention, encourage motivation, optimise organisation skills, install routines, improve your communication and leadership modes and practice emotions and stress management. Those universal strategies can help anybody, whatever the underlying problematic. There is no need of a diagnostic to begin!

Go get information and support to implement compensatory strategies:

  • Support groups
  • Community centers, professionals and contributors from this specific field
  • Books, videos, web sites, conferences


When these approaches are not enough, it is worth it to push the questioning and the whole process further.
Clarify diagnostic in order to understand what is hiding behind the symptoms and put specific strategies into place, evaluate the needs for a medication:

  • Fill the requested forms
  • Search for symptoms
  • Identify the functional impacts
  • Target why and when to intervene
  • Take specific actions (such as pharmacologic treatment, when required)

People living with ADHD report daily difficulties impairing various aspects of their lives at school and at work as well as in their personal life.


A child is generally brought in for a consultation for:

  • Attentional symptoms,
  • Hyperactivity or impulsiveness
  • Learning problems

NOTE : Academic challenges and behaviour problems often ring the alarm bell. The daydreaming child, without associated fidgetting behaviours, is often referred later because his symptoms are less noticeable.

The adult usually consults by himself because:

  • He is close to someone (often a child) to whom the recognition and the treatment of ADHD were a benefit;
  • He recognises himself in the descriptions of the Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity and still lives with some difficulties that are related to a possible ADHD.

A child is generally brought in for a consultation for:

  • Attentional symptoms,
  • Hyperactivity or impulsiveness
  • Learning problems

NOTE : Academic challenges and behaviour problems often ring the alarm bell. The daydreaming child, without associated fidgetting behaviours, is often referred later because his symptoms are less noticeable.

The adult usually consults by himself because:

  • He is close to someone (often a child) to whom the recognition and the treatment of ADHD were a benefit;
  • He recognises himself in the descriptions of the Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity and still lives with some difficulties that are related to a possible ADHD.

Others, regardless their age, consult for associated problematics such as:

  • Oppositional Behaviours
  • Anxiety
  • Mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder).
  • Problems with relationships, splitting up
  • Suicidal acts
  • Criminality
  • Smoking
  • Problems with alcohol and street drugs like cannabis or cocaine
  • Over use of screens, gaming
  • Learning difficulties
  • School dropping out
  • Frequent change or loss of job
  • Accidental injuries requiring going to the hospital (including mild head trauma)
  • Road accidents (as a pedestrian or a driver)
  • Unplanned pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Difficulties to implant and maintain healthy habits
  • Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health problems

To track ADHD and to understand how her brain works allows the affected person and her close ones to put many strategies in place to reduce its impacts. When ADHD leads to significant impacts despite those strategies, when the «compensatory burden» is too heavy, it is important to consult to get help to be able to develop your potential and lower the risk of showing associated problematics.

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