ADHD and Daily Life

Tips and Tricks

Taking care of our attention

As ADHD is a chronic neurobiological disorder causing problems in many aspects of life, it is essential to know well how the brain of the ADHD person works and to implement efficient adaptative strategies giving this person the opportunity to better cope with ADHD.

Your brain needs to be in a good shape, relaxed and stimulated! Choose your strategies and implement them with kindness. Adapting daily routines makes things easier, but we also know that putting them in place and sticking to them is a challenge, especially when ADHD spices up your whole life.

Discover other Canadian ADHD Resources!

CADDRA is a Canadian independent, not-for-profit, resource organization for medical, healthcare and research professionals with an interest in the field of ADHD.

CADDAC is a Canadian national charitable organization dedicated to improving the lives of those with ADHD through ADHD awareness, education and advocacy.

Discover other Canadian ADHD Resources!

CADDAC is a Canadian national charitable organization dedicated to improving the lives of those with ADHD through ADHD awareness, education and advocacy.

CADDRA is a Canadian independent, not-for-profit, resource organization for medical, healthcare and research professionals with an interest in the field of ADHD.

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